Concept drawing (water color)
Kakishibu (persimmon tannin) Bioplastic Installation (closeup photo)
An ambiguous substance reminiscent of something familiar and simultaneously unfamiliar: this bamboo-like, or perhaps aquatic-plant-like cluster breathes and adapts to the temperature and humidity while altering its textures.
It is solid and grainy, like leather.
It is soft and smooth, like silk.
It is light and delicate, like paper.
It is translucent and flexible, like petrochemical plastic.
Made of edible ingredients and those derived from plants, this new material will return to the earth over time, again adapting to its environment.
When humidity is low, the bioplastic becomes less flexible and less translucent.
When humidity is high, the bioplastic becomes softer and more translucent.
We are honored to have Junko’s installation work (2021) was on the cover of the Nakanojo Biennale 2023 flier.
Naive Material Gradation
Gunma, Japan
Kakishibu Bioplastic Installation by Junko Yamamoto
Nakanojo Biennale 2023
柿渋バイオプラスチック | 山本純子
Plastic - a cheap, ubiquitous, petrochemical product heroically advanced modern society in the 20C at the price of the planet, the entire ecosystem, and human health of the 21C. Since the 1950s, plastic production has increased by 230 times, reaching a total volume equivalent to 25,000 Empire State Buildings, of which only 9% has been recycled. Every minute, two garbage truckloads of plastic enter the ocean, which will weigh more than all fish by 2050. What’s the alternative future? Using kitchen-produced bioplastics colored with the Japanese persimmon tannin, the work reconceptualizes plastic to be something of precious and beautiful. It is an attempt to emotionalize the idea of plastic to change the narrative of our modern convenience.
The work questions the nature of materials in the context of the global plastic problem.
Various bioplastic products have been developed as utensils and fashion items in recent years. Bioplastic as equally convenient and economical as petroleum-based plastic may become readily available in the near future, however, the environmental issues associated with plastic production require the reduction of demand for plastic in the first place. But how can you give up the modern convenience? The work invites you to question our attitude toward the idea of "plastic." How would our perception towards the material change when it is made of love and labor instead of being mass-produced, cheap, and ubiquitous? The bioplastic uses agar agar (seaweed) and persimmon tannin, familiar ingredients in Japanese culture.
この作品は、"プラスチック "という素材に対する私たちの価値観に疑問を投げかけます。大量生産され、安価でどこにでもあるものではなく、時間をかけ、愛情をそそぎ、慣れ親しんだ原料から作られたものであったら、私たちの素材に対する意識はどのように変化しうるでしょうか?
中之条ビエンナーレ2023 | Nakanojo Biennale 2023